
On The Record
In some ways, caregiving is the new normal One in four U.S. adult children provides unpaid care to an aging adult -- everything from hands-on physical care to shopping and household help. It can be exhausting, but it can also be a platform for a meaningful life, and a springboard to better understanding how you yourself will age, and how you can shape the kind of old age you want.Ann Kaiser Stearns, a professor of behavioral science at the Community College of Baltimore County, combines research, insights and problem-solving tips in her new book, ----Redefining Aging: A Caregiver’s Guide to Living Your Best Life----.Professor Stearns will be speaking about it Wednesday at noon at the Hatton Senior Center in Canton, part of the Enoch Pratt Free Library’s “Writers Live” series.
On The Record
Redefining Aging
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